Sunday, July 27, 2008


Berapa hari yang lalu, saya ngobrol dengan sahabat saya, di hp, sahabat saya yang baik hati dan tidak sombong ini, selalu bersedia jadi pendengar keluh kesal saya, bantal tempat tetesan air mata saya. Setelah ngobrol ngalor ngidul dengan sahabat saya yang ganteng dan jomblo ini...( the most eligible bachelor in town, hahaha ), akhir sampai ke satu pembicaraan...

Amy : Bok, napa yah hidup gue nih rasanya jalan ditempat....
EB : Masa sih... kayaknya elu baik2 aja....
Amy : Ga, kok gue ngerasa, ga ada artinya yah.... ga ada prestasinya... comparing to others ...
EB : Halah nek, elu paling lagi mid life crisis...
Amy : buset dah, masa hari gini gue dah mid life crisis... i am serious... am 36 and feels like doing nothing in my life....
EB : Babe... dont say so...
Amy : serius nih say...kadang gue jadi males ketemu orang, males ketemu temen, bawaannya mau ngumpet aja, karena males ditanya-tanyain...i'd rather be alone... apalagi nih kalau lagi kumpul2 sama temen kuliah gue... their achievement are so awesome.... not to mention the most successfull of them... and me??? end up for nothing.... what's happening with me.....
EB : I am so sad to hear that honey bunny.... but grass in our neighbour is always greener... and thicker... isnt it....
Amy : iya sih... tapi kok kayaknya gue ga on the track ya with all of my capacity ....
EB : Babe, life is a matter of u choose , i told u before... dont say i never give u warning..
Amy : Yup.... i know...
EB : Babe dont always see the sky, see the grass from where u step out....
Amy : Yeah... i know...
EB : Babe, let say, u may be not having achievement in job, or financial matters, but u have 3 really adorable sons, loving ones.... hey, many people failed and dying for that... see my life...
i am not married, nor even kids and just keep thinking to rents ovarium to make one for me hahaha....
Amy : damn u... tapi kan elu punya usaha yang fantastis dan ga ada matinya... hahahaha
EB : See i told u.... not everything is meant to be ours.... in our life... Gue dah begini aja ga ada yang mau seh .... hahahahha...
Amy : Halah, elu sih, terlalu milih - milih...
EB : Hahahahah.. abis elu dulu ga mau sama gue sih hahahahaha....
Amy : Jangan gila deh......
EB : So babe, .... what is ur terminology of achievement??? Being rich, being ceo, being powerful man... or , just say what u want???
Amy : Say, u know, i end up nothing????
EB : Honey Bunny , dont say so... please.. am begging u... you have what i dont have... ur kids... they are ur project, God's Gift.... Just dedicate ur self to them, raise them. time is running so fast... When they are grown up, so they are ur achievement... and u gonna be proud of me...
Amy : I know, but...
EB : Honey, please... no but... u are special, u are so smart ....ur boys , are just cloning of u.. make them as smart as u ( remember i always cheated on u ???, hahahah )... it's not easy... i know....And what i know is.. people likes u and loves u...
Amy : Thanks mate...
EB : Babe, forever as friends... okay....
Amy : Ok...

Setelah percakapan itu, saya merenung, beruntung sekali saya selalu dikelilingi sahabat sahabat yang selalu memberikan support untuk segala hal yang saya lakukan dan saya hadapi selama ini... Kita memang selalu saling menguatkan...

Memang kehidupan itu nampaknya sering tidak adil, namun kehidupan itu akan mencari jalannya sendiri, kadang dengan cara yang sama sekali tidak kita mengerti dan tidak pernah kita pikirkan sebelumnya... but that's life...

Untuk teman saya EB, makasih yah atas supportnya selama ini, akhirnya saya sadar, ada achievement lain yang masih bisa saya kejar...and hopefully , never too late for this....



Terima kasih untuk sahabat saya EB, yang sudah mengizinkan percakapan ini di publish...

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